Half the year is over. The second half of the year is ahead.
I suggest its time to give your radio station a mid-year report card.
For your convenience you can print this section out and fill in the grades.
Check Your total active library size A B C D F
Check the turnovers of every category A B C D F
Check the most played in every category A B C D F
Check the least played in every category A B C D F
Check your core artists for last 90 Days A B C D F
Check histories of all currents A B C D F
Check histories of most played in every cat A B C D F
Do clocks and logs have The right mix A B C D F
Music computer specs and speed A B C D F
Overall music grade A B C D F
Aircheck entire morning show from today.
Were we local every half hour? A B C D F
Were we topical every half hour? A B C D F
Was there fun every hour? A B C D F
Was there “ear candy” every hour? A B C D F
Were the longest breaks short enough? A B C D F
Phones? A B C D F
Were the listeners the stars? A B C D F
Basics Time/Temp/Weather A B C D F
Image & Name Of Station A B C D F
Overall Morning Grade A B C D F
Cluttered of uncluttered? A B C D F
Easy to understand? A B C D F
Fun to listen to? A B C D F
Prize Appealing to the target? A B C D F
Promos fresh and interesting? A B C D F
Too many or too few? A B C D F
Street level (how do we look?) A B C D F
Website and Social Media Space A B C D F
Overall Promotions Grade? A B C D F
Studios clean and neat? A B C D F
All equipment work correctly? A B C D F
Enough computers to get the job done? A B C D F
HVAC right? A B C D F
Sound proofing? A B C D F
Lighting? A B C D F
Chairs? A B C D F
Conference Room? A B C D F
Look that guests, winners and clients se A B C D F
Overall Studios and Building A B C D F
PEOPLE (Software)
Morale? A B C D F
Feeling of Team? A B C D F
Communication inside the building? A B C D F
Management in the tranches? A B C D F
Is their leadership A B C D F
Stress level? A B C D F
TECHNICAL (Hardware)
Transmitter health A B C D F
Transmitter building (clean? cool? dry?) A B C D F
Audio Chain (loud, clean, no distortion) A B C D F
Automation (ease of use and health) A B C D F
STL (clean and reliable?) A B C D F
Generators A B C D F
Software for air checks A B C D F
Mic processing right? A B C D F
Robust reliable internet? A B C D F
Streaming clean and reliable A B C D F
Alexa skill working correctly A B C D F
Overall Technical Grade A B C D F
Overall Station Grade A B C D F
Now there are many other things that can be on this list. I think now is a good time (after the Spring book sampling period) to reflect and make a to do punch list of things to work on.
There are lots of things that will be station specific. There is a lot to this one.
Is your station FUN? A B C D F
I’ll be writing more blogs about FUN being memorable and the factors that help to make radio stations big successful brands. It’s difficult to win the Indy 500 with a car with several mechanical problems. Also tough to win when the driver isn’t tested, trained, rested and distraction free.
It takes personalites, connection to the marketplace, doing things that captivate the marketplace to breath life into radio.
Step One build a good strong house.
Step Two, decorate it with shutters, landscaping, welcome mat, art on the wall and vase with fresh flowers on the table. Perhaps a “Home Sweet Home” stitching are what’s for.
IF you radio station was a house is it correctly decorated?
Need Help? Get Your Music Right! Get Everything Right!
Call Keith Hill 252-453-8888